Will eBay survive its midlife crisis?

Will eBay survive its midlife crisis?

Once upon a time, eBay was the go-to marketplace which  empowered people to start their own enterprises. As a unique peer-to-peer selling platform that inspired fierce loyalty, it revolutionised the small business sector. But where is it heading now? eBay’s auction format allowed it to carve out a unique take on online selling and an extremely profitable …

5 Ways eBay promoted listings could help boost your sales

5 Ways eBay promoted listings could help boost your sales

A new paid advertising service, eBay Promoted Listings, is an opportunity to get your inventory in front of more eyeballs. eBay Promoted Listings are eligible to appear more often in prominent locations – similar to paid search engine ads. Currently, a limited number of sellers have been invited to participate. Judging by the success of …

Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce? Which is the best shopping cart for you?
best shopping cart

Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce? Which is the best shopping cart for you?

The average shopping cart abandonment rate is 69 percent – a staggering figure. So which is the best shopping cart to help you reduce this rate? That’s according to a recent survey by the Baymard Institute. Providing customers with the best shopping cart experience that’s easy to navigate, secure and hassle-free is a critical element …

8 Ways to Optimize Your Amazon Product Listings
Optimize Amazon listings

8 Ways to Optimize Your Amazon Product Listings

Think about the sheer number of products that are available on Amazon. It’s absolutely critical to optimize your Amazon product listings to get your products found. Amazon uses a secret algorithm to prioritize their product suggestions. It’s based on seller conversion metrics, like price, performance, customer satisfaction & sales history. One unavoidable truth is that …

Win the Amazon Buy Box with a repricing strategy you control
Take the next step?

Win the Amazon Buy Box with a repricing strategy you control

When I was a kid I climbed the steps to the highest diving board at the swimming pool, knowing my fear would inevitably stop me from taking the final step. One day, standing at the edge and looking down, determined to impress my friends, I decided to take the plunge. I hit the water awkwardly. …

Shoppers will feel the online love this Valentine’s Day
Valentine's Day

Shoppers will feel the online love this Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is set to deliver a welcome boost for sellers. Sales are expected to reach record highs of  $18.7 billion in the US and £1.6 billion in the UK. A new poll by the National Retail Federation reveals that 30% of buyers plan to shop online. According to CEO Matthew Shay, ‘’consumers are in a …

6 Super Bowl social marketing tricks used by eCommerce giants

6 Super Bowl social marketing tricks used by eCommerce giants

Not an American football fan? The Super Bowl can still be your favourite event of the year. Why? Because it’s more than a sporting event – it’s a high-budget ads and marketing entertainment fest. You don’t need to be selling football jerseys or making the world’s most expensive TV ads to get in on the …

Join the XSellco affiliate program and profit
Affiliate Program

Join the XSellco affiliate program and profit

We’re committed to helping sellers become more successful.  Our powerful and profitable selling solutions are making a huge impact on the eCommerce community. If you share our vision and refer customers who sign up for our products, you will profit too. We’re growing rapidly and are already trusted by over 2000 online businesses. Why not …