How to win the Amazon Buy Box webinar
how to win the amazon buy box webinar

How to win the Amazon Buy Box webinar

How do the most successful Amazon sellers win the Buy Box? In our webinar, eCommerce specialist Lisa Byrne analyzes the essential performance metrics that Amazon sellers need to achieve in order to win the Buy Box. Sellers need to keep a close eye on their Account Health on Amazon Seller Central to see where there …

Seller tips from Amazon experts at UK Online Seller Conference

Seller tips from Amazon experts at UK Online Seller Conference

xSellco attended the UK Online Sellers Conference in London at the end of October – there was an impressive panel that consisted of former Amazon employees as well as top performing sellers. Avoid incentivized reviews at all costs A lot of the talk at the conference was about how Amazon banned incentivized reviews in the …

Is Amazon repricing a race to the bottom?
Amazon Repricing

Is Amazon repricing a race to the bottom?

Isn’t Amazon Repricing just a race to the bottom? This is a common question and unfortunately a prevalent opinion in the eCommerce community. Whether it’s on Amazon Seller Forums, Reddit or in the comments of eCommerce blogs, you’ll find the same concern about Amazon repricing: “A repricer will just keep reducing my prices until I’m …

14-Step seller checklist for Black Friday
14 step seller checklist for black friday

14-Step seller checklist for Black Friday

It’s holiday season, and the peak selling time kicks off with the Black Friday weekend starting 25th November 2016. At this time of year, every seller has a list so long that they don’t know where to start. To help with Black Friday preparations, we have created a simple 14-step seller checklist to help online …

Kick your Amazon sales into overdrive on Black Friday 2016
Black Friday guide

Kick your Amazon sales into overdrive on Black Friday 2016

Black Friday sales on Amazon are growing every year. But are you taking full advantage? How much do you know about sales event trends on Amazon? Do you just offer a discount on your usual prices? Or are there data-driven insights you can take from past sales events to help you sell more? We have published insightful …

The long-term impact of automated pricing on Amazon sales [report]

The long-term impact of automated pricing on Amazon sales [report]

When it comes to selling on Amazon, price is everything. But how you manage your prices is equally as important. We have published a report on ‘The Long-Term Impact of Automated Pricing on Amazon Sales’ to highlight the importance of automated price management for online sellers. The analysis found that online sellers who automate pricing on Amazon see …

4 omnichannel eCommerce tasks you should be automating

4 omnichannel eCommerce tasks you should be automating

In the age of omnichannel eCommerce, customers are more empowered by choice and information than ever. They want a seamless experience while shopping on multiple devices, and sellers need to develop interconnectedness to keep up. Bigger retail companies can afford to hire teams of developers and marketers to create the ultimate shopping experience. But for …

How to become a profit-only Amazon seller overnight
impact of automated pricing on amazon sales

How to become a profit-only Amazon seller overnight

There is a legend that echoes around the halls here at xSellco HQ. It goes back to an interesting time – when we launched the beta version of our Amazon repricer, xSellco Price Manager. In a nascent repricing software market, we were keen to test out a number of potential applications for our beta product. …