2015 EU VAT changes for eCommerce explained
Amazon eBay cross border vat

2015 EU VAT changes for eCommerce explained

EU VAT and eCommerce A lot of people have been asking about the new EU VAT changes for electronically supplied goods that is coming into effect on January 1st, 2015. There is always a bit of worry around legislation changes and what it will mean for their business, so we have pulled out all the key points you …

eBay fall seller release – what you need to know

eBay fall seller release – what you need to know

ebay today announced it’s twice yearly update for sellers, which typically announces fee changes, category changes and new initiatives. We have trawled through the news and pulled together the key changes for each region: Highlights for those selling in the UK: Click & Collect The Click and Collect trial enabling sellers to have their goods collected …

6 Hilarious Amazon product reviews
Hilarious amazon reviews

6 Hilarious Amazon product reviews

Whilst the feedback section on Amazon is usually the place most people visit to ensure that what they are buying is good quality and that the seller is reputable, at times there are some pieces of feedback that can’t help but put a smile on your face. We have compiled a few of the funniest …

Introducing XSellco Fusion
Introducing XSellco Unity

Introducing XSellco Fusion

  We are always working to improve our products, and one that has received a large number of updates over the past few weeks has been our previously titled xSellco CRM product. After the dust settled on this steady stream of development work, we have found ourselves with a product that is not necessarily a CRM platform.

Your Amazon price could be reduced by a seller with no stock
Out of stock

Your Amazon price could be reduced by a seller with no stock

  Did you know that sellers can remain in the ‘offers’ list in the Amazon listing page even when they have no stock? You might be further surprised to learn that these sellers with no stock can cause your  pricing to be reduced.  Most automated repricing solutions do not check the stock availability of sellers …

How to win the Amazon Buy Box and sell more
Amazon Buy Box: How it works and how to win it more often

How to win the Amazon Buy Box and sell more

What is the Amazon Buy Box? The Amazon Buy Box is arguably the most important element to you as an Amazon Seller. What is it? It’s the area to the right of the product page that contains the ‘Add to Cart’ (Or ‘Add to Basket’ in the UK) call to action. The next question you’ll …