Weird and wonderful listings on eBay
surprised kid

Weird and wonderful listings on eBay

You can find anything and everything on eBay and since it’s Friday Fun-Day, I’ve compiled a list of the  weirdest things on eBay I could find! Strangely enough, none of them came from the “Weird” category but some of them had an unexpectedly high number of watchers. So be quick – you could still make …

Is the customer always right?
Customer is Always right

Is the customer always right?

Those who have worked in customer service for years can attest to one universal truth – there is nothing worse than dealing with a disgruntled customer who quotes “the customer is always right.” It is guaranteed to grind on the most patient of customer service assistants. The truth of the matter is that not every customer …

Christmas rush preparation checklist for online sellers
Christmas Rush

Christmas rush preparation checklist for online sellers

The Christmas rush is not just like any other time of year in eCommerce Gift buying starts earlier than ever, and nine out of ten shoppers will buy their presents online, so it’s no surprise that sales for the holidays grow steadily year upon year. This means that to be able to cope with the …

How to compete with an Amazon dropshipper
Amazon Dropshipper

How to compete with an Amazon dropshipper

Competing with the Amazon Dropshipper More than likely you’ve come across an Amazon dropshipper selling a similar product to yours. Dropshippers don’t keep inventory in stock. Instead, they transfer customer orders and shipment details to a manufacturer or wholesaler, who handles fulfillment and inventory issues. Dropshipping is a convenient option for sellers who either can’t …

Expert advice for marketing your eBay store

Expert advice for marketing your eBay store

You’ve taken the first big step and you’ve created an eBay store. You have your stock waiting to go and your courier on speed dial. Time for the money to start rolling in, right? Wrong. Whilst one of the major benefits to selling on marketplaces such as Amazon or eBay is that you have your …

7 expert tips to help you make more sales on eBay
more sales on ebay

7 expert tips to help you make more sales on eBay

By implementing these top eBay tips you’ll see the difference it makes to your customers and your sales. Do you want to win new customers, bag more positive feedback, get more repeat business and make more sales on eBay?

How to remove negative feedback from Amazon
remove negative feedback

How to remove negative feedback from Amazon

As an Amazon seller, you never want to get negative feedback. It looks bad, it deters buyers and it impacts on your ability to win the Amazon Buy Box. It’s not all bad news though, you can ask Amazon to remove negative feedback if it doesn’t abide by their rules.

How to win the Buy Box infographic
Buy Box Infographic

How to win the Buy Box infographic

  If you’re an Amazon Seller then winning the Buy Box is important. We have created this handy infographic for you to keep, outlining all the factors that influence the Buy Box as well as what you can do to improve in each area.