Turning eBay Browsers into eBay Buyers

Turning eBay Browsers into eBay Buyers

Everyone who sells on eBay knows the true meaning of the word competition. Unlike most other marketplaces, eBay empowers sellers to promote their products to eBay buyers by using their own listings, as well as manage their own shopfronts. But this means your own listing standards must be high to compete with the best on eBay. To help …

mCommerce – the word that goes viral in 2016

mCommerce – the word that goes viral in 2016

If it wasn’t apparent before 2015, it’s now as clear as a slap in the face – mobile has changed eCommerce permanently. Over half of consumers in the US are now using mobile for shopping and that figure will undoubtedly grow again this year. This is forcing retailers to evolve their businesses to support and leverage …

How to proactively minimize negative feedback
Minimize Negative Feedback

How to proactively minimize negative feedback

Negative feedback is a harsh reality of trading online. It’s almost impossible to please customers all of the time. Sooner or later somebody will leave neutral or negative feedback, whether it’s justified or not. However, there are some simple steps all online retailers can implement quickly and easily to reduce the likelihood of this happening, as …

Amazon Logistics a Prime mover for FBM sellers in 2016?
Amazon Logistics Courier

Amazon Logistics a Prime mover for FBM sellers in 2016?

From early 2016, it will be mandatory for FBM sellers to use Amazon Logistics to sell to Prime customers, according to Tamebay. Selected self-fulfilled retailers who currently warehouse their own goods will only qualify for Prime shipping if they use Amazon Logistics. Amazon Logistics is a courier service that is part of their wider fulfilment …

Why a customer retention plan is vital to reducing returns

Why a customer retention plan is vital to reducing returns

Like many online shoppers in 2015, I did most of my holiday shopping on Amazon. But out of the 20 holiday purchases I made, only one seller sent a follow-up email. Just one! I couldn’t help but think that sellers were missing out on a big opportunity to connect with customers in a positive way …

5 eCommerce trends that will impact sellers in 2016
Selling consumables online

5 eCommerce trends that will impact sellers in 2016

Whether it’s introducing a new product range, attracting new customers or increasing sales, each year brings a new set of challenges for sellers. With global eCommerce sales expected to reach a staggering 1 trillion USD, we examine some key changes in customer preferences and behavior that could impact your business this year. To understand how …

7 Essential ecommerce tools for online sellers
ecommerce tools

7 Essential ecommerce tools for online sellers

Essential eCommerce Tools As anyone who has established an eCommerce business will know, selling online can be complicated. Even the best sellers need extra support to leverage their business. This is where eCommerce tools for online sellers can help. Here are seven key areas where eCommerce tools can help you manage your business and improve your sales. 1 Shopping …

Meet customer expectations during holidays
Customer Support while on holiday

Meet customer expectations during holidays

Should you switch off customer support completely over the holidays? Unfortunately there isn’t an ‘open and closed’ sign you can just flip for your online store. But there are ways to manage your customer support so you can keep your customers happy and enjoy the break. Customer support issues continue to crop up over the …

The little-known Amazon pricing rule that could burn your business
Amazon Pricing Rule

The little-known Amazon pricing rule that could burn your business

Amazon are so committed to offering the best possible price, they make it a rule for sellers. It’s called the General Pricing Rule and Amazon increasingly enforce it. Don’t get caught out because failure to comply could have dire consequences for your business. If you offer lower prices on eBay, other marketplaces or your own web …