Selling on eBay: how to respond to negative feedback
How to respond to negative feedback on eBay

Selling on eBay: how to respond to negative feedback

Negative feedback on eBay is like a black mark on a seller’s status—and knowing whether and how to respond to it can prove challenging. After all, feedback is crucial to eBay businesses and positive comments are always useful in strengthening customer numbers. But a bad review, even one posted anonymously, could have an adverse impact …

4 tips to increase your e-commerce store’s conversion rates in 2018
4 tips to increase your e-commerce store’s conversion rates in 2018

4 tips to increase your e-commerce store’s conversion rates in 2018

Customers generally come to your e-commerce store because they are thinking of buying from you. Yet we all know that only a small percentage of your site’s visits will result in a sale. Optimizing your online conversion rates is vital if you want to drive profits in the new year. Let’s look at some ideas …

Best practices in returns management for multichannel sellers
Best practices in returns management for multichannel sellers

Best practices in returns management for multichannel sellers

Nobody likes rejection. For online sellers, one of the ultimate forms of rejection is receiving a request for a return. It’s one thing if someone browses your store then chooses not to buy. But when someone makes a purchase, receives a shipment and then decides to return it, that really stings—and it only becomes harder …

6 New Year’s resolutions for online sellers in 2018
e-commerce trends 2018

6 New Year’s resolutions for online sellers in 2018

What a year 2017 was for e-commerce. Competition was fierce, from fresh personalization tactics, to pairing up with delivery partners to get orders to customers faster and cheaper than ever. So what’s in store for e-commerce over the next 12 months? Strap in and get ready for the rollercoaster ride that 2018 is about to …

What do customers expect from shipping in the age of Amazon?
E-commerce fulfillment: customer expectations in the age of Amazon

What do customers expect from shipping in the age of Amazon?

You’ve got to keep customers happy and run a successful business, but the advent of Amazon Prime and similar services is making that dance much more difficult. The biggest lesson from the current and previous holiday season is that shipping matters and waiting is unbearable. Even if you’re not competing directly with e-commerce giants like …

Jake Rheude
Guest poster from Red Stag Fulfillment
The pros and cons of selling on Priceminister
Selling on Priceminister

The pros and cons of selling on Priceminister

E-commerce sales in France are expected to eclipse €81 billion ($86 billion) before the end of 2017, according to the French E-Commerce Trade Association. But almost half of the country’s online shoppers (49 percent) are still skeptical of purchasing from foreign vendors. The reason: they’re doubtful that cross-border customer service is up to scratch and …

Important dates for your e-commerce business in 2018
important e-commerce dates in 2018

Important dates for your e-commerce business in 2018

Do you want 2018 to be your most profitable year yet? Then you need to plan ahead. We’ve compiled a quick summary of the most important dates in every e-commerce seller’s calendar, so you can make sure you have the right products in stock and are more than prepared for peak shopping times and promotions. …

How to start a drop-shipping business on Shopify
How to start a drop-shipping business on Shopify

How to start a drop-shipping business on Shopify

One of the biggest problems facing retail today is the cost of unsold stock. That’s why a growing number of e-commerce businesses are relying on third-party suppliers to ship online orders directly to shoppers. Known as drop shipping, it allows e-tailers to expand their product offerings without acquiring inventory—they only pay for the items that …